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ROPA Poultry Pickblokk med Oregano


The RopaPoultry Peck Block is a supplementary mineral feed with oregano oil for poultry. The RopaPoultry PECK block promotes the natural pecking behavior of chickens. The pecking stone provides a distraction for the chickens to keep them active. Provides maximum access to a lot of and highly absorbable Calcium. Contains easily absorbable Iron; important for recovery after red mite infestation.

  • Made with chicken eggshells
  • Enriched with our own oregano oil
  • Rich in easily absorbable calcium and iron

Use: Place (or hang) the pickstone in a dry place in the chicken coop or run.

SKU: 759

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Anita Theoline
Anita Theoline
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1 måned siden



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